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MAIXEI - Dolceacqua (IM)

Regione Periane
18011 Taggia (IM),  IMPERIA,  Italy

Estate Owned by: Wine Cooperative | Location: Liguria | Winemaker:  | Hectares under Vine: 10 | Estate Founded: 1978 | Winery Production:  35.000 Btls. | Viticulture Method: Conventional.

The Cooperative was founded in 1978 by a group of small producers scattered along the Nervia and Crosia valleys in the province of Imperia on the Italian Riviera.  Over centuries, the local people have endured enormous hardships in order to cultivate the vines: do not be misled by the “sweet” name of Dolceacqua.  The wines grown here are called “heroic,” the result of hard won plots of land crafted by man from steep rocky mountainsides.

The name Maixei comes from the local dialect and refers to the dry stone walls used to support the terraces of vines and olive trees.  All work done here must be done by hand, often totalling over 1200 hours of manual labour per hectare for each harvest.

The goal of the Coop is to produce authentic wines of the highest quality, using their local single grape varietals: the red Rossesse di Dolceacqua and the white Vermentino.  The result of the producers’ commitment to improving cultivation systems and wine making techniques without sacrificing local tradition, is evident in their wines.


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