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TANTINI Giovanna - Oliosi di Castelnuovo del Garda (Vr)

Via Unità d'Italia, 10
Loc. I Mischi
I - 37014 Castelnuovo del Garda,  (VR),  Italy

Vignaioli Indipendenti


Estate Owned by: Giovanna Tantini | Winemaker(s): Attilio Pagli and Laura Zuddas | Agronomist: Roberto Abate | Extension: 12 + 8 ha | Estate Founded: 2002 | Winery Production Total:  35.000 Btls.

The sundrenched vineyards are built on family land owned since the early 1900’s, all situated between Castelnuovo del Garda and Sona, with alluvial soils of glacial origin and rich gravel deposits over limestone that offers superb drainage.  Their position on the hills overlooking Lake Garda takes advantage of a microclimate strongly influenced by the presence of the lake, and characterised by an abundant summer sunlight and a stable temperature range that favours the growing of vines.

Tantini cultivates white grapes Garganega, Trebbianello and Chardonnay on raised pergola veronese, allowing the leaves to protect the maturing grapes from sun and wind. The indigenous red grapes Corvina, Rondinella, Cabernet and Merlot are all grown in guyot style, espaliered on wires, helping to develop colour, sugar, aroma, and flavour.

Giovanna Tantini personally follows every phase of production from the labour in the vineyard through vinification, ageing, and bottling, but it is in the vineyard where the most important work is being done.  Particular attention is paid to the viticultural requirements of every grape variety, with the goal being a natural expression of the terroir.  “Passion and method are at the foundation of every choice I make in the fields and in the cellar,” says Giovanna, “our first and only consideration is quality.”  Her Bardolino and Chiaretto wines are testament to almost two decades of dedication.


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